Sunday, August 31, 2008

Vehicle Car Insurance

You have car and need protection from any disaster like robbing, accident and other possible that will happen to your car, use the right insurance company that will serve all you need, you can choose American Car Quotes, this insurance can protect variety of vehicle like motor cycle, car, van and truck, see their site and find out all you need for your car.

The first thing we choose car insurance is can offer a minimum amount of auto insurance, with American Car Quotes you get that, besides that you can figuring out the amount of coverage you need, with this insurance you only fill one form with this procedure can be economized your time.

For more information about this company just visited their website and this is link for Safety insurance and this is about Driving Fault . I recommended you to join with this insurance because they are cheapest car insurance that i ever find

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Berlatih Bersyukur dan Pasrah

Pada beberapa referensi untuk menjadikan hidup lebih baik adalah dengan banyak Bersyukur dan mempasrahkan diri kepada yang maha pencipta, Reiki sebagai salah satu dari beberapa contoh yang mengajarkan untuk selalu pasrah dan bersyukur, memang dirasa sangat sulit sekali, khususnya bagi saya pribadi yang sedang dalam proses untuk terus bisa pasrah dan bersyukur, kedua faktor itu selain dapat menjadikan hidup lebih tenang juga dapat menyehatkan tubuh kita.

Satu tahun ini aku jalani dengan kondisi hati yang sangat tidak baik, derita seakan tidak mau menjauh malah terus merusak jiwa, alhamdulillah saat ini sedikit demi sedikit semua beban itu berlari pergi dan tidak lagi menggrogoti jiwa, sekarang aku sudah bebas dari belenggu kekhawatiran, rasa sakit, kemarahan, kekecewaan yang kubuat sendiri, smua itu bukan saja merusak jiwa tapi juga fisik ku.

Semua masalah hanya satu kuncinya, mendekat dengan sang Pencipta, Dia yang menciptakan kita, dia yang maha tahu dan hanya Dia yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah kita dan hanya dengan Dia kita bisa menemukan jawaban dan kembali sehat. Beragam pelampiasan tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah malah akan membuat kita semakin buntu dan kehilangan arah. Jangan pernah ragu akan janji Allah, bahwa Dia tidak akan menguji hambanya diluar batas kemampuannya.

Saat ini aku menikmati indahnya bersyukur dan pasrah, dengan cara meluangkan waktu 15-20 menit untuk meditasi terasa banyak sekali manfaatnya, rasa syukurku atas apa yang kupunya saat ini sangatlah banyak tapi tidak pernah kusadari, selama ini aku hanya fokus pada derita dan rasa sakit yang malah akan berdampak semakin nyata dan semakin banyak derita yang datang, disaat kita mampu untuk bersyukur dan menikmati apa yang Allah kasih untuk kita maka nikmat lain yang tidak kita bayangkan akan datang dengan sendirinya, itulah janji Allah, bahwa Dia akan memberi lebih bagi siapapun yang pintar bersyukur.

Rasa syukurku diantaranya karena pagi ini aku masih diberi kesempatan untuk melihat dunia, aku masih diberi nikmat Iman dan Islam, aku masih dapat beraktifitas, sehat danbekerja. Selanjutnya rasa syukurku adalah karena aku masih punya keluarga komplit, kedua orang tuaku masih bersamaku, aku punya seorang ibu yang sangat mencintaiku, yang selalu menyiapkan sarapan pagi, makan malam untukku, mencintaiku dengan tulus, aku memiliki seorang ayah yang selalu mencoba mengerti diriku, selalu bangga akan diriku, aku punya kakak dan adik yang mencintaiku, smua hal indah yang kupunya selalu coba ku syukuri setiap hari. Memaafkan dan mendoakan dengan tulus orang2 yang telah membuatku menangis, dengan semua hal itulah aku mampu melewati masa2 sulit dalam hidupku, mencoba ikhlas atas kekalahan dan kegagalan yang kita dapat.

Medical CheckUp

Tanggal 29 Agustus 2008, 3 hari sebelum puasa ramadhan aku melakukan Medical CheckUp dirumah sakit Prikasih, berupa pemeriksaan darah dan urine untuk mengetahui perkembangan kesehatanku selama setahun belakangan, hasilnya dah ada tapi blom sempet membahas dengan dokter 3 hari nanti setelah obat habis baru back to doctor to consul about my disease, hasil sementara yang kubaca adalah Hemoglobin, Hematokrit dan Lekosit ku dibawah normal, karena penasaran pagi ini ku coba searching di google tentang semua informasi yang berhubungan dengan ke tiga istilah darah itu.

Kemungkinan aku Anemia (emang dari dulu juga anemia biggrin), tapi ketiga unsur darah ku itu dibawah normal, sempat takut juga nieeh kalo muncul cobaan baru berupa penyakit yang berbahaya, menurut informasi yang kudapat penyakit anemia bisa berlanjut menjadi Leukemia, beberapa gejalanya dah terasa, Astagfirullahalazim semoga analisa awamku ini tidak terbukti.

Kalaupun memang terjadi, smua harus di syukuri, penyakit, derita adalah ujian dari Allah untuk hambanya, disaat kita mampu berfikir baik pada kehendakNya, bersyukur dan pasrah, Insya Allah semua akan terlewati dan Allah akan mengganti semuanya dengan kebahagiaan.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Stylish and Qualified shoes

Shoes is either accessories we need so much, we need appropriate shoes for our actifity or condition, of course we have to feel comfortable with that shoes, for me the most important thing when we want to buy shoes is material and design of the shoes, after that is durable to use. I found all criteria in Blowfish Shoes, this is a shoes store who are sell a qualified and stylish of shoes.

They sell women’s and men’s shoes, you can find variety of women shoes collection in this website Blowfish women’s Shoes and they also have collection of Blowfish Designer Shoes, for this collection have unique design, if you are anxious with all their collection, just visited their website.

Besides stylish and cute design their shoes is comfortable and durable to use. Their offer exact price for you, so what again ? For qualified, don’t worry about that, all their collection made of the right material, no reason to adjourn buy their shoes collection.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Exhibits Equipment

Every event that we made always need complete equipment, like a Table Top, Table Covers, Banner stand, Brochure Holders and many more, besides equipment we also need a nice screen for the equipment, that is for interested customer to see our product or our service, all you need for your exhibits I recommend to the supplier of exhibit, visit their site at Trade Show Exhibits, they catered for variety of exhibit equipment and of course all their product is top quality with the best offer and nice price.

For example of their product is Table Cover, this equipment is important to beautified your table, for the table cover their will add accesessories such as logo, artwork and message wherever you want to put. So for more detail about their product just visit their site and see all their Table Cover collection.

Another product is Table Top Display this equipment is also important to display your product, this table top display made with a great design, use a qualified material and support great light, so your product more amazing seen. Their also catered for portable top table design so more practical.

All you need is exist here, and the most important thing is their service is very good and faster delivery with the nice customer service, so what are you looking for, buy your exhibits equipment in the right place.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Beautiful Frozen Place

Here is a beautiful place that very cool weather, for me this is so nice and very interesting place, all this picture where taken during lunch break on thursday the 27th of january 2005 between Genève Plage (Geneva beach) and the Baby plage (Baby beach)

My Best Friend Wedding

Finally my close friend getting married, i hope the best for you, two of you can be eternal couple that cann't be separated forefer, be honest and always loving each other. One by one my best friend getting married, and now i very hope will be married soon, ya Allah find me with the best man that correct for me, make sure that man is for me and don't give me a doubting.

Here is the picture of my best friend wedding

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Unique and Funny SHOP

Iam a unique person and love so much anything that unique and funny, iam also collect a unique product that maybe will dislike with many people. For satisfies my desire about anything unique, I always looking for unique, crazy and funny product, finally i have finding a crazy website that show variety of unique and funny product, this website consist a crazy thing and funny product that they try to publish for all of unique personality, just visited this website at you will be find many thing that can be make you laugh.

The name of this website is Shop Wiki's, telling about many thing that maybe not imagine for a part of people, very creative idea for made this website, just read all they offer to you, they always update the product every week, so you can find new idea about unique and funny thing every week.

Sample of they product suc as Painting, Magazine, Ipod, Gift, Bag and many more, so what are you waiting for, this website will give you new inspiration about something funny and crazy thing, this is one of example of their funny product GOAT Cheese and this is a strange story Metro Girl

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How To Increase Your Alexa Rank

Here is a collection of methods you can use to boost your Alexa Rank. Most of these tips are derived from several fellow webmasters I know who claimed to have derived positive results through their experiments with the Alexa Rankings.

Some of the other tips were derived articles and sources, which I have duly referenced at the end of this post.

Do these tips work? According to some, yes they definitely do work. But do note that most of them require active effort of some sort and hence, they will work as long as long as you are consistently performing specific actions.

To increase your Alexa rank in the long run, I would highly recommended that one focus on developing quality content which attracts and maintains a large audience instead of purely focusing on artificially increasing your Alexa Rank.

Great link-worthy content will leads to an natural increase in site traffic and is an excellent way to passively increase your Alexa rank.

It is important to emphasize that you should devote most of your efforts in growing your site audience alongside integrated implementation of any of the following tips below.

  1. Install the Alexa toolbar or Firefox’s SearchStatus extension and set your blog as your homepage. This is the most basic step.
  2. Put up an Alexa rank widget on your website. I did this a few days ago and receive a fair amount of clicks every day. According to some, each click counts as a visit even if the toolbar is not used by the visitor.
  3. Encourage others to use the Alexa toolbar. This includes friends, fellow webmasters as well as site visitors/blog readers. Be sure to link to Alexa’s full explanation of their toolbar and tracking system so your readers know what installing the toolbar or extension entails.
  4. Work in an Office or own a company? Get the Alexa toolbar or SS Firefox extension installed on all computers and set your website as the homepage for all browsers. Perhaps it will be useful to note that this may work only when dynamic or different IPs are used.
  5. Get friends to review and rate your Alexa website profile. Not entirely sure of its impact on rankings but it might help in some way.
  6. Write or Blog about Alexa. Webmaster and bloggers love to hear about ways to increase their Alexa rank. They’ll link to you and send you targeted traffic (i.e. visitors with the toolbar already installed). This gradually has effects on your Alexa ranking.
  7. Flaunt your URL in webmaster forums. Webmasters usually have the toolbar installed. You’ll get webmasters to visit your website and offer useful feedback. It’s also a good way to give back to the community if you have useful articles to share with others.
  8. Write content that is related to webmasters. This can fall in the category of domaining and SEO, two fields in which most webmasters will have the Alexa toolbar installed. Promote your content on social networking websites and webmaster forums.
  9. Use Alexa redirects on your website URL. Try this: . Replace with the URL for your website. Leave this redirected URL in blog comments as well as forum signatures. This redirect will count a unique IP address once a day so clicking it multiple times won’t help. There is no official proof that redirects positively benefit your Alexa Rank, so use with caution.
  10. Post in Asian social networking websites or forums. Some webmasters have suggested that East Asian web users are big Alexa toolbar fans, judging by the presence of several Asia-based websites in the Alexa Top 500. I suggest trying this only if you have the time or capacity to do so.
  11. Create a webmaster tools section on your website. This is a magnet for webmasters who will often revisit your website to gain access to the tools. Aaron Wall’s webpage on SEOTools is a very good example.
  12. Get Dugg or Stumbled. This usually brings massive numbers of visitors to your website and the sheer amount will have a positive impact on your Alexa Rank. Naturally, you’ll need to develop link worthy material.
  13. Use PayperClick Campaigns. Buying advertisements on search engines such as Google or Exact Seek will help bring in Traffic. Doubly useful when your ad is highly relevant to webmasters.
  14. Create an Alexa category on your blog and use it to include any articles or news about Alexa. This acts as an easily accessible resource for webmasters or casual search visitors while helping you rank in the search engines.
  15. Optimize your popular posts. Got a popular post that consistently receives traffic from the search engines? Include a widget/graph at the bottom of the post, link to your Alexa post or use Alexa redirection on your internal URLs.
  16. Buy banners and links for traffic from webmaster forums and websites. A prominent and well displayed ad will drive lots of webmaster traffic to your website, which can significantly boost your rank.
  17. Hire forum posters to pimp your website. Either buy signatures in webmaster forums or promote specific articles or material in your website on a regular basis. You can easily find posters for hire in Digital Point and other webmaster forums.
  18. Pay Cybercafe owners to install the Alexa toolbar and set your website as the homepage for all their computers. This might be difficult to arrange and isn’t really a viable solution for most. I’m keeping this one in because some have suggested that it does work.
  19. Use MySpace . This is a little shady so I don’t recommended it unless you’re really interested in artificially inflating your Alexa Rank. Use visually attractive pictures or banners and link them to your redirected Alexa URL. This will be most effective if your website has content that is actually relevant to the MySpace Crowd.
  20. Try Alexa auto-surfs. Do they work? Maybe for brand new sites. I think they are mostly suitable for new websites with a very poor Alexa rank. Note that there be problems when you try to use auto surfs alongside contextual ads like Adsense. They aren’t also long term solutions to improving your Alexa Rank so I suggest using with caution.

Comfortable and Flexible Boots

I like wear boot so much because use boot make me more confident and comfortable, for all boot lover this is several tips that always i do for choose a boot shoe:
  1. Comfortable to wear and walk in, this is important because what for use shoe if make hard to walk and make our foot blister
  2. Durable, you have to choose boot that won’t fall apart after three wears, or that can’t be walked around in for more than an hour.
  3. Cute and Wearable
  4. The last tips is buy boot with average price or not too expensive, quality shoes is not have to expensive
For the best recommended to buy boot shoe is here Timberland Boots , their boot collection is the best than other, because they made with arc technology that can be the result the best boot. The reason why i choose timberland boots because all tips written above they have and the most important thing their boot easy to wear. All of their boot are waterproof and safety toes, so you can wear in any weather.

Besides boot Timberland Boots also selling another type of shoe, clothing, workwear, outerwear, uniform and accessories, so what are you waiting just visit their website and find out the quality and branded product

Pengalaman Berlangganan IM2

Bagi siapa saja yang ingin berlangganan internet dengan provider IM2, hati-hati yaa, ini ada pengalaman dari yang sudah pernah kecewa dan dibohonbi oleh IM2.

Mau langganan IM2? Mending pikir2 dulu deh bro..nih gw mau crita sebagai konsekwensi keluhan gw tidak pernah diselesaikan secara baik2 sm IM2..

Bulan Desember 2007 gw ditawari sama sales IM2 yg lg buka stand di MTA. Setelah ngobrol sana sini akhirnya gw langganan paket eco yg 500mb. Gw tertarik krn kata salesnya kl pemakaian kurang dari 500mb sisanya bisa dijumlahkan ke bulan depan. Trus kedua, kapan pun mau berhenti tinggal telp ke CS IM2 maka bulan selanjutnya tidak dicharge lagi. Waktu itu katanya utk langganan IM2 mesti didebit langsung dari kartu kredit. Karena gw ga berprasangka negatif akhirnya gw setuju isi formulir n kasih Cc gw untuk difotokopi.

Masalahnya dimulai pas bulan januari gw dapat tagihan IM2 di kartu kredit. Pdhal selama bulan desember gw blm bisa pake tuh internet krn blm diaktifin. Tapi sama CSnya dibilang sudah berjalan. Selain itu gw bingung kok malah gw ditagih seharga paket YOU yg kuota 1gb? Pdhal jelas skali gw daftarnya paket ECO. Akhirnya setelah komplen melalui telpon (dan mesti berkali2 dikonfirmasi ulang n ping pong sana sini) akhirnya tagihan gw yg januari dikembalikan..tapi HANYA SETENGAH! Hebat ga sob!

Sesudahnya gw komplen lagi berkali2 melalui telpon dan email. Dapat jawaban macam2 n mereka berjanji masalah ini akan diselesaikan. Tapi mpe sekarang ga ada kelanjutannya. Top deh! Gw bukan permasalahkan jumlah uangnya, tapi yg gw kesel abis sama reliability layananannya yg ampun2an dah terutama registrasi, billing sampe ke complaint handling nya kacau balau.

Nah kekesalan gw sama IM2 memuncak sewaktu gw mau berhenti langganan. Gw kirim surat pernyataan berhenti beserta kopi ktp gw ke IM2 ptgahan juni 08. Trus dikonfirmasi bahwa langganan gw akan dihentikan terhitung tgl 1 juli. Begitu juga tagihan CC gw hanya muncul di statement juli. Tapi kenyataannya, mpe bulan agustus ini aja billing gw masih muncul di IM2! Lagi2 gw komplen dan gw baru tau kl status anggota gw masih aktif di IM2! Pdhal tadinya sudah dikonfirmasi sm stafnya bulan juli sudah tidak aktif! Wraakadah! Ampun dah! Maunya apa si lo IM2??? Lo maksa setiap member terikat kontrak pake CC seumur hidup sama lo yg ga bisa diputus? Bener2 keterlaluan..

Terus terang gw nyesel waktu itu gw kemakan omongan salesnya. Nyesel gw mau CC gw didebit sama IM2. Gw nulis gini karena dari komplen gw yg trakhir via email n telpon ga ada tanggapan sama sekali. Supaya kaskuser tau kalo mau langganan IM2 : gampang masuk, susah keluarnya !

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Recommendation To Lake Develope

If you confuse to looking for Lake Developer, i recommended to visit this website lake Property Tennessee. This website consist information to build or develope amazing lake, your dream will be come true to enjoy a natural lake anytime. They develope with very detail and very responsible, you are never disappointed with this service. In this site you can search the location complete with direction and accomodations, just visited and get the brochure on this site.

The result of their developed is perfect, with wonderful design, luxury with nature charm and very natural, the most important thing they offer the best price, they views is never seen before and you can join to this forum. So dont waste your time to visit another site, this site serve all you need.

Only in this website you can find the unique design, best service and the best result, because they have experience in this field.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Everything You Need For Pool

If you want to build swimming pool, spa or any pool and confused to buy equipments, just visited this website Pool Supplier. This is trusted authorized dealer and have been experience as long as more than 10 years to distribute branded pool equipment for many area and accross the world. Here is provide all related with Pool such as salt chlorine generators, cleaners, pool pump, filters, heaters, swimming pool accessories etc, the most important they offer the best price. You are never find the lowest price than they offer. Their product is branded and complete.

They have Technical support for help your trouble and answered all your question. Your dream come true to have a beautifull swimming pool in the house with the lowest price. So visit their site and see the catalog.

You can Buy online in this website with the best security e-commerce, their service is the best with the fast delivery ( we use FedEx,UPS, DHL ). I guaranteed you are satisfied and never disappointed. All you need exist here. I recommended you to buy in this site, dont be worry about qualified because here is the best product and their is professionalism.

My Favorite Golf Equipment

For you who want to skilled play golf, make sure you are support with quality equipment, I suggestion to buy your golf equipment in this website Golf Equipment you will finding quality of golf equipment with very low price. They have experience to build the best clubs with latest design and immediately made new innovation to produce the best product

Qualified product not necessarily expensive, besides that Best Buy Golf Supply’s also give the best service to all customer, they support e-commerce website with safety guaranteed, with e-commerce support, customer will be easier to buy product. Don’t worry about the shipping, they guaranteed all product arrive on time to your home.

Only in Best Buy Golf Supply’s you will get the best golf equipment with the low price and cozy shopping, you will be satisfied and never disappointed

Your Dream Furniture

When you decide to changing your home decoration and replace some of your old furniture with something new, Bernhardt Furniture is the choice to finding variety of furniture do you want, check this wesite Bernhardt Furniture to finding the best furniture.

Bernhardt have complete collection of furniture with 60 top brand such as home equipment, office equipment etc. For style they have many style from traditional, casual, youth, modern, europian, contemporary and others style. Just visited their site to look the collection of Home enteirtainment in Bernhardt Furniture.

You can choose furniture according your personality and your style. One of their service is you can choose the fabric and fringes to compliment your interiors and customize your furniture, so you can create your own furniture according your taste.

One of my favorite furniture in Bernhardt Collection is Althorp, because this furniture have a wonderfull design and so clasic, verry different from another furniture that i ever see before.

Problem Solving of your Law Case

If you have law problem and confused to looking for trusted Lawyer, i recommended you to use Bullock & Coffman Law firm for solving your problem because they are very experience, have good credibility and trusted.This law firm have mrepresentedulti client from local, national and international. They also Can handle personal or organization law problem, just visit the website Lexington Kentucky Attorney

With this law firm you will be protected from law illegal action for your self, your family and your business, they handle your problem with full responsibilty. There is you will find a capable and professional lawyer. So don't doubting with this law firm, you never find good service as like as Bullock & Coffman Law firm.

One of my friends was in problem about immigration and Bullock & Coffman represented him from beginning to the end for out of problem with professional way. If my friend satisfied about their service of course you will.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Google Tools For Marketer

Google Trends, a two-year-old service that, for instance, reveals that Cisco’s stock price and Michael Lockwood, the husband of Lisa Marie Presley, were two of the most searched terms Tuesday afternoon. The collection of search queries that people type into Google has been called a “database of intentions” since it is a window into what people are interested in and, sometimes, what they are interested in buying. Insights allows anyone to analyze the results in much greater detail than Trends does. Users can slice the data by categories to distinguish, for example, searches for Apple the company and apple the fruit. “If you are the head of the Washington apple growers association, you may be interested in this,” said Hal Varian, Google’s chief economist. Users can also slice the data into finer geographic areas than with Trends and view it on a map. And they can download the data onto spreadsheets to compare it to their own forecasts or research.

The tool is aimed primarily at marketers, who may use it to devise and track advertising campaigns. A car company, for instance, could experiment with different versions of a television ad in Cleveland and Columbus, and check the number of resulting searches in each city to see which one is more effective. Or it could use the data to find out where users are searching most actively for “fuel efficiency” and aim ads for a gas-sipping vehicle there. “It gives you much better insights in terms of what’s happening on a geographic basis, potentially allowing advertisers to target geographically,” said Danny Sullivan, the editor of Search Engine Land. Mr. Sullivan said Google has long given marketers the ability to target ads geographically, but not the tools to learn how to do it most effectively. Grant Prentice, director of connections research and analytics at Starcom MediaVest Group, said his company uses Google Trends to help devise strategies to reach consumers online and offline. “We have been using it as a research tool to give us some insight into the relative importance of different terms that people may be using to search on a particular subject,” he said. Mr. Varian said that while Insights was developed with marketers in mind, the economist hopes it will also be used by others. “We are also very interested in uses like the economic forecasting, finance, sociological studies, even in etymological studies to track how new words spread in the population,” Mr. Varian said. Researchers who track activity in various sectors of the economy could use Insights to get a quick snapshot of the volume of searches for terms related to that sector and get a sense of whether economic activity in that sector is increasing or decreasing.

For instance, Insight shows that searches related to home inspections and appraisals in the real estate category rose sharply nationwide in the second half of July. That might suggest to forecasters — as well as marketers — that the residential real estate market is showing signs of life. Of course, searches for foreclosures were also up sharply.

Let's Go To Java Island

The enchanting land of Sunda stretches from the Sunda Strait in the West to the borders of Central Java in the east. The region is primarily mountainous, with rich green valleys hugging lofty volcanic peaks, many of which surround the capital of the province, Bandung. The history of West Java is a story of trade, spices, and the rise and fall of powerful kingdoms. In the late 1500’s the region was ruled from mighty Cirebon, which still survives as a sultanate today, although a shadow of its former glory. West Java was one of the first contact points in Indonesia for Indian traders and their cultural influences and it was here that the Dutch and British first set foot in the archipelago. Domestic airlines serve to Bandung everyday. Buses from Central Java and Jakarta arrived in Leuwi Panjang. Several trains operate from Jakarta and Yogya to Bandung. *Wayang Golek (Wooden Puppets Show) is performed every Saturday night from 1.00 pm to 5 am at Auditorium Jalan Diponegoro 61, Bandung. *Kemilau Nusantara Festival is an annual event performed culture and crafts exhibition from all provinces in Indonesia. *Paper Kites Festival, Pangandaran Beach West Java. Participants of the kite flying contest come from the surrounding regions as well as from foreign countries. Beautiful kites of all sizes and shapes are flown in a contest that coincides with festivities held on October 2008. *During the harvest period in West Java. Folk Music and traditional dances are performed during the festival.

Travel To Valley Papua (Indonesia)

Once you read or give it a deeper study to Danis way of life, dont be surprise that you may find your eye lifting or forehead wrinkling. Why? Because the Dani is uniquely amazing.

The Dani men and women sleep separately in different honai (Danis traditional house). The men sleep grouped in one honai, while the women and children slumber in another honai. As descended from their ancestor, sex is taboo for the women after giving birth, for 2 or 5 years, as the result the Dani generated healthier kids since the women focus on babysitting the kids during the most important phase of growth. This situation makes the men vulnerable to polygamy, its a true fact of life that the Dani men are allowed to have more than 1 wife or as many as he can afford. A man should give 4-5 pigs to the girls parent he wants to marry. For Dani men, his social status are initiated by the number of wives and pigs he has.

Another remarkable custom of Dani is that women will amputate their finger when their relatives die, hence doesnt be surprise when you see women with missing finger.

To enhance the quality of your experience in Baliem Valley, guide is essential since there are no clear maps or signage initiated for visitor. The guide will help to lead the track, communicate with the local people and in advance, the guide will inform the tourist about local dos and donts.

Flying might be the only way to access the Baliem Valley through Wamena. Here are some alternatives on carrier from Jayapura to Wamena: (For further info, ask the officers at Sentani Airport Information Center).

*Trigana Air Services provide daily flights into and out of Wamena. Spot the Trigana Air Service Offices at Sentani Airport terminal and Wamena Airport terminal.
*Manunggal Air
*Hercules carrier provide by Indonesian army (TNI)

To access Baliem Valley, you can rent car or public bus from Wamena.

For those who are adventurer and cultural observer in heart, stay and mingle with the Baliem Valley people is possible, just make sure your guide booked it before your visit. Go Show? Affordable.

If the first alternative is way too extreme, you can stay at hotels at Wamena:

* Wamena Hotel at Jl. Homhom 61
* Srikandi Hotel at Jl. Irian 16
* Pondok Wisata Putri Dani at Jl. Irian 40
* Nayak Hotel at Jl. Gatot Subroto 63
* Hotel Syah Rial Makmur at Jl. Gatot Subroto 45
* Hotel Anggrek at Jalan Ambon 1
* Baliem Pilamo Hotel at Jalan Trikora
* Baliem Valley Resort (3 star resort)

Would you mind if we say ON FOOT? Healthy foot and fit body? Absolutely. Through trekking, you can witness traditional ceremonies, traditional markets and the people of Dani.

There is no restaurant inside the Baliem- Valley, a guide could bargain the Dani people to provide simple meals. Its stoutly advised, that the visitor bring their own meals and snack during the trekking. Meals and snacks can be found in grocery store at Wamena

* Souvenir can be easily found on the valley and buy the crafts directly from the Dani people.
* Stone blade is a major favorite for the tourist
* Sekan: rattan bracelate
* Noken: made from trees bark
* Head and arm necklace
* Jogal: grass skirt
* And other head decorations

* The captivating Baliem Fiesta is held on August around 10 - 17 August every year. The festival performs traditional dances, pig races, ancestral fighting and races. Today, Baliem Fiesta is one of the main reasons why tourists visit Papua. Its a magical Fiesta says most of the tourist.
* Join the large and busy local market at Sinatma.
* Spotting mummies at Kurulu Village.

* Guide is needed to explore the valley
* Dont forget to bring the copy of your Surat Keterangan Jalan
* Best time to visit is between March and August
* If you travel during the rainy season, be prepared with cold weather equipment
* Ask your guide about Dos and Donts in the Baliem Valley

Foreigner must obtain a travel permit letter or known as Surat Keterangan Jalan to get the access into the interior part of Papua. You can obtain the Surat Keterangan Jalan at main town police station such as Jayapura, Merauka, Timika, Biak, Nabire, Monokwari and other main city. The permit of lasts will depend on your request, from 1 week until 1 month or even longer. Please prepare copies of your passport, recent photograph and list of places you wish to visit. Its easy to get the Surat Keterangan Jalan, because the officers are friendly and helpful.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pergi Ke Dokter GiGi

Minggu ini akhirnya jadi juga ke dokter gigi tuk pasang behel tuk gigiku yang mulai sedikit maju, sudah mulai mengganggu penampilan, kemaren dah coba cari-cari informasi untuk pemasangan behel yang murah meriah dan terjamin bagus, aku baru tahu kalo pasaran untuk memasang behel gigi adalah 4-9 juta, weleh.....weleh.....weleh, mahal banget yaaaaa, untungnya aku dah nemu dokter yang murah dan bagus and yang paling senengnya lagi posisinya di cinere, deket rumah banget, alhamdulillah banget nieeh jodoh untuk memperbaiki gigi tanpa budget besar, sebagian uangnya pake dana kantor aku tinggal nambahin aja kurangannya.

Moga-moga aja gk terlalu sakit, soalnya berdasarkan pengalaman yang udah-udah pake behel itu bisa ngurusin badan, alias bakalan gk enak banget rasanya, gk bisa makan kalaupun makan palingan bubur atau makanan yang empuk-empuk and rasanya lumayan perih.

Semoga juga proses perataan giginya gk terlalu lama, jadi gk harus lama-lama melihara kawat didalam gigi, and dalam waktu dekat bisa tertawa lebar tanpa harus malu lagi karena masalah gigi.